
Showing posts from June, 2024

Runners Up.

We don't talk much about near misses, About those that gave their best but didn't win, Those that missed out by the tiniest of margins, The near victors that didn't win or got a medal, The runners ups, the silver and bronze medals, We don't really talk about them enough, Even though, they matter a lot. ✍️©️Toobrightanthony 📸 

Live And Love Life.

Live and love life, celebrate it every now and then, It's a beautiful thing to be alive, to witness the wonders of nature and life, It's a privilege, many seek to buy, but it cannot be bought,  Be thankful for each breath, many pay, to be able to breathe, Live, and enjoy your life, don’t wait till a later time.  ✍️©️Toobrightanthony 📸 

Thoughts and Canvass.

Our behaviours are paintings,  Our thoughts is the canvass, Our acts and deeds tells a lot,  It shows the world the content of our thoughts. Our words doesn't mean much, Our actions shows who we are, The behaviour you manifest, Shows the colours of your thoughts. © Toobrightanthony  📸 

The Battle Within

Deep down the soul, within blocks and crevices, A battle rages daily for the conquest of the soul, A daily struggle between forces to sit on the throne,  Where thoughts are birthed, and emotions erupt, The battle persist, even when we are unaware, The victor is known, by our thoughts and acts. © Toobrightanthony  📸 

Enjoy Life Moments.
