The Workaholic

The workaholic, addicted to Labour 
Works till he is out of vigor.
Joyful in  completing every task.
Uses his job  as a mask.

The workaholic, he works under every condition.
Even when in motion, always in attention. 
Doesn't attend functions.
He doesn't distractions.

The workaholic, she doesn't go out.
Even when she is burnt out. 
She feels guilty inside. 
She works by her bedside. 

The workaholic, her  work is all that matters.
Social  and private life is in taters. 
She claims to be happy
 Always crying into her nappy.

The workaholic, he feels guilty for taking time off
Feels angry for dozing off.
She doesn't log off.
Even if her body is shutting off.

The workaholic, forgive and heal.
Life is a  very big deal.
Alone you can't enjoy it.
You need others to enjoy it.


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