
Showing posts from March, 2025

Love Unique Flow.

Love at first sight, happily ever after, So the story goes, but it is not always so, Love doesn't follow popular culture,  Or the scripts of general rules,  To each living soul, it's expressed in a unique flow. ✍️© Toobrightanthony  📸 

How, When, And Where To Write.

Write from your heart, write from your head, Write at the dawn of day , write at dusk of it, Write when you're sad, write when you're are happy,  Write your reality, write other people’s experience, There is not best how, where or when, There's no best template that suit all, The best time to write, is when you start. ✍️© Toobrightanthony  📸 

Life Test's Us All.

Life is a series of test, From dawn to dusk, From birth to death, Life test's us all. Life is a series of test, From our first step, We stand and fall, Life test's us all. Life is a series of test, In every facet, In all seasons, Life test's us all. © Toobrightanthony  📸