
Showing posts from July, 2024

Blame Game.

Blame game, a slippery slope, A drudgery ill, a cyclical abyss, You blame the living, and the dead, Yet still, the misery doesn't end. Blame game, a lame game, Your blame your family, and friends, You blame acquitances, and colleagues, You blame everyone else, but yourself. Blame game, the usual line, The fault is theirs, none is yours Blame game, not taking responsibility,@@ The easy way out, for lazy minds. © Toobrightanthony  📸 

Fresh Morning

Fresh morning, a new slate given, To write and tell, your story afresh, Not held by past ills and mistakes, Don't dwell on past script of tears and pain, Start writing the story, you've dreamed to have, A new morning is here, so start afresh. © Toobrightanthony  📸

The Year Doesn't Wait.

2nd half begins, the year is travelling unhinged, No excuses can hinder its speed, Slowly and surely it travels still, The dreams and goals you decreed, When the year started with zeal, The year doesn't pause or wait, Even if your lazy ass stalls and sleep. © Toobrightanthony  📸