
The Beautiful Gifts Of Nature.

The green savannahs,  The hot arid deserts, The clear flowing springs, These are the beautiful gifts of nature. The bright, blazing bolts, The roars of thunderstorms, The mild and fierce rains, These are the beautiful gifts of nature. The chirping of insects, The barking and roaring of cats, The numerous voices of humans, These are the many beautiful gifts of nature. ✍️© Toobrightanthony  📸 

The Thoughts We Entertain.

The thoughts we entertain,  Becomes a seed in our mind, That grows to become words, Then later become our actions. The thought we entertain, Are not ordinary imagination, They mature into habits, That control our lives. The thoughts we entertain, Are not shallow or fleeting, The bore deep into our being, Till they become part of us. The thoughts we entertain, Should be filtered and selected, Our mind is a farmland, That should be healthily cultivated. ✍️©️Toobrightanthony  📸 

Lessons From Dark Times.

In our darkest hours, that's when we form our strongest bonds, That's when we find the most loyal allies, because they're not after the clout. In our darkest times, that's when friendship is tested, We will know who is real, and those are from the thrill. In our darkest times, that's when are tested to our last wit, Then we will know the stuff we are made of,and what our strengths are. The darkest times is when our true self are formed,  Because a new self emerges, after we have gone through it all. ✍️©️Toobrightanthony 📸

Selective Blindness.

Nothing happens out of the blues,  There are usually signs, that we refuse to see, Some times, we are blinded by lust or love, Other times, we're blinded by sentiments and greed, In most cases, there are usually signs, some visible, some salient, But nothing ever happens out of the blues, we only choose to be blind. ✍️©️Toobrightanthony  📸 

No Strings Attached.

Let's make love tonight, with no strings attached,  Just two lustful souls devouring each other, satisfying our lust, Squeezing our bodies, moaning in sweet agony, Exploring our bodies, in ferocious ecstasy, Reaching different heights, till we get to the 9th cloud, Let's  tonight, till the morning come. ✍️© Toobrightanthony  📸 

The Year Is Wrapping Up.

The year is wrapping up, without human permission, Slowly, but surely, another journey round the sun will be completed, Same with us, the aging journey continues,  The journey of the mind, isn't left out as well,  The days are travelling fast, same with the human race. ✍️©️Toobrightanthony  📸 

A Break From Adulting.

Reach out to the child within, the one you abandoned since your childhood, Revisit his hopes and dreams, they are still fresh to him, Talk to her about her fears, and your journey thus far in life, Give him a warm hug, he has been expecting you for quite long, Always take a break from adulting, to visit the child within you.  ✍️© Toobrightanthony  📸